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首页 > 供应产品 > 厂家****海华牌药厂车间*工作服洗衣机
浏览: 1157
单价: 面议
供货总量: 600
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最后更新: 2023-03-27 16:43
卫生级*净全自动洗衣机系列Medical Washing Machine Series用途 SXTDQW 卫生级*净全自动洗衣机是我公司依据新版GMP要求为洁净区开发的洗涤设备,适用于生物、制药车间洁净区的无尘工作服、无尘抹布等物品的洗涤设备。简要介绍产品主要技术特性如下:1、洗衣机全部水浴部件如洗涤滚筒、外筒、管路等都采用**不锈钢制造,耐高温、防腐性能优良,使用过程不会产生金属锈蚀,确保洗涤衣物洁净度等级。2、进水、排水管路均采用卫生级管件,检修方便、易于擦拭清理。3、排水口设计安装卫生级自动止回装置,使设备具有防止倒灌功能。4、设备高脱离心力达到 300G, 使洗涤衣物残存污物达到较低。5、设备面板、装衣门等外露部件均圆滑过渡、平整、光洁,便于清洁消毒。6、洗衣机采用**的变频调速技术,配有电机过载保护装置及自动平衡控制,当不平衡力过大时自动停止报警并恢复,确保安全、**。7、设备外漏密封件采用硅橡胶、天然橡胶等化学特性比较稳定的浅色材料。8、设备采用体外密封注油装置,操作简单、避免对洁净区污染。9、洗衣机采用全封闭结构,确保洁净区洁净度等级。10、符合新版 GMP 要求。卫生级*净全自动洗衣机系列Medical Washing Machine SeriesMedical Washing Machine SeriesApplication: SXTDQW medical washing machine is developed for medical and microbic wokshops according to the pharmaceutical GMP standard. .It’s used for washing isolation gown ,antistatic clithes, non-dust cloth.Functions & Instructions:1 Outer and inner drums,bottom seat and other panels are made of stainless steel,to keep the textiles clean.2 Water pipe and drain pipe conform to the hygienic standards and are easy to repair and clean..3. Check valve in drain pipe prevents water backflow.4. Centrifugal forces get to 300G,and this keeps the textiles clean.5. The exposed parts are rounded off and smooth,and easy to disinfect.6.Balance control with advanced frequency converting technology keeps safe and steady. Alarm when unbalance force happens.7. The seals at the outside are light silicone rubber,and natural rubber. 8. Oil injection device is designed on the outer to avoid pollution.9. The machine with fully sealed structure ensures the degree of purity.10. The machine completely conforms to the requirements of the pharmaceutical GMP standard主要技术参数Main parameters参数Specification	单位Unit	SXT150FDQW	SXT100FDQW额定容量Capacity	㎏	15	15滚筒直径Diameter	mm	650	530滚筒深度Washing Depth	mm	475	420洗涤转速Washing Speed	r/min	40	42洗涤驱动电机 Drive Motor	kw	1.1	1.1洗涤加热器 Washing Heater	Kw	6	6装机电容量 electric capacity	Kw	7.2	7.2外形尺寸Size(宽×深×高)(W×D×H)	mm	980*1180*1290	850*950*1150净重Net Weight	Kg	520	460
